City Of Everett Continues To Declare Dangerous Intersections “Appropriate”

Still more dangerous driving persists right in front of my house. The city of Everett traffic engineering department refuses to make any modifications to the flawed designs at this intersection that are obviously conducive to such dangerous behavior.

Here are the latest examples:

[Update November 28 – Here’s another.]

Note that these are just the ones that we happened to see first-hand. This kind of dangerous driving happens daily, I just don’t happen to be looking and save the video.

Here’s my latest email to the city of Everett traffic engineering department:

From: Timothy Ellis
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 11:36 AM
To: Michael Brick; Ryan Sass; Engineering / Public Services
Subject: Re: FW: dangerous intersections on Wetmore Ave

I would like to reiterate my request for four-way stops on Wetmore Ave. at 36th, 35th, and 34th streets. We continue to see people driving at unsafe speeds (35-40mph) north on Wetmore and other drivers running the stop signs on the cross streets. We’ve already seen one fatality and without adjustments I am certain we will see more.

Just a few days ago the same Everett High School bus almost t-boned a van that rolled through the stop sign at 35th:

Please consider adding four-way stops at 36th, 35th, and 34th where the steep hills lead down to Wetmore. By adding the four-way stops it would 1) discourage through traffic from using Wetmore Ave, moving them instead to the much better suited Colby Ave and 2) slow all traffic through those three intersections, dramatically reducing the risk of a fatality collision.


And here’s their non-response reply:

From: Michael Brick <>
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 9:11 AM
Subject: RE: FW: dangerous intersections on Wetmore Ave
To: Timothy Ellis
Cc: Ryan Sass <>, Tim Miller <>, Kevin Allen <>

Mr. Ellis,

After further review of this location Traffic Engineering still finds that the existing east-west stops at these intersections are appropriate. I have contacted Sgt Allen with the Everett Police Department and made him aware of your concerns. He agrees that this is an issue of compliance with the existing stop signs and that police enforcement is the appropriate next step. He will be contacting you shortly to discuss what option the Police have to address your concerns.


Michael Brick, P.E.
Associate Traffic Engineer
City of Everett Public Works

It’s only a matter of time before there’s another serious injury or fatality collision at one of these intersections. It’s a shame that the city refuses to take the appropriate measures to prevent it.

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