Sunday night just as I was about to go to bed, I heard a strange noise coming from outside. It wasn’t too loud so I didn’t think much of it, but then I got a notification that someone had just started a thread on my neighborhood’s Nextdoor page: “Boat horn/siren 11pm?” When I got onto Nextdoor, there were two other threads that were rapidly filling up with people complaining about the noise, which was apparently really loud in parts of the neighborhood. There was speculation that maybe it was coming from a train, or maybe a boat at the Port or the Navy base.
So of course, instead of going to bed I decided to hop in my car and go try to find the source of the noise and get it on video:
It turns out the noise was coming from a tugboat with a stuck horn, as first reported that night by My Everett News:
Annoying horn blasting @PortofEverett is from broken horn on a tug boat. Workers trying to fix.
— MyEverettNews.com (@MyEverettNews) June 26, 2017
The tugboat horn did not stop until around 3:30 AM, keeping many people awake for most of the night. In the follow-up story the next day on My Everett News, they included a photo of the offending boat, which you can actually see in my video starting at around 1:25:
A lot of people must have been disappointed that they missed out on the sound of the horn, because my video turned out to be fairly popular. It was featured on a handful of local news sites, radio reports, and even the national Fox News site:
- Everett Herald: Tugboat horn blares for 4 hours; dogs howl, and so do humans
- KOMO News: Port of Everett: Oops, sorry for the blaring tug boat horn all night
- Fox News: Boat’s horn blares for hours overnight at Washington port
- Warm 106.9: Everett Tugboat Mishap – What’s Trending
- Follow-up: Tugboat Tim
- Seattle’s Wolf 100.7: Port of Everett Apologizes for All Night Tug Boat Horn
So I guess I’m officially a video journalist now.