Just up the street from my house (near downtown Everett) there was a large cedar tree.
Recently, the owners of the property had a tree service come and cut the tree down. I was sad.
Strangely though, they did not cut the tree all the way down. A bare stump about twelve feet tall was left behind, a lonely testament to the cedar’s former glory.
Then a few weeks later, something magical happened…
Over the course of a few days, the sad stump was transformed into a the most creative Little Free Library I’ve seen to date.
I’m still sad that the tree is gone, but I have to admit, this is a pretty awesome alternative, and it definitely adds some cool character to our neighborhood. Well played, neighbor. Well played.
You can visit the library in person at 35th Street & Wetmore Avenue here in Everett.
A couple weeks after I posted this, the Everett Herald wrote up a more in-depth story about the library: Everett woman turns beloved cedars into whimsical library
It all started when Sara Sanders’ beloved cedar took a turn for the worse.
It dropped a big honking limb onto Wetmore Avenue.
“It came down just before that big windstorm (in late August),” Sanders said. “It was time for it to go. The city sent me a letter that said ‘You must.’ ”
Still, it was hard letting go.
“The tree meant a lot to me. One of the reasons I bought the house 17 years ago was because of the tree,” Sanders said. “I wanted to be able to commemorate it in some way because it was a wonderful tree.”
What was once a 120-foot cedar is now a bear bearing books.
A couple days after that, KOMO News ran a video story:
[Update: Unfortunately KOMO deleted the story and the video from their website.]
[Update 2: The KOMO story reappeared on their website!]
Great stuff!
Susie Bingham
Great idea,will have to check it out!
What a wonderful idea! It’s functional, beautiful, and incredibly imaginative, and while I’m also sad about that wonderful old tree being sacrificed, if it had to come down, I can’t imagine it wouldn’t approve in spirit of the lovely, useful work of art it has become! In fact, it instantly brought the children’s story book “The Giving Tree” to my mind, immediately followed by a smile! Great job on both the concept and the terrific sculpture! <3
Would love to know who the artist was who did this great work
I’d love to know where it is… I drop my grandson off in Everett 2 days/week (at his Mum’s work) and this would make a pretty fun side-trip :)
Betty Bensch
This is totally Fascinating. I we love to know where it is so I can bring d daughter, whose four to see this and donate some books. This I think would help with creating a desire to read. Who would want to get a book from the bear Library. How Awesome. FABULOUS idea and artwork???? Truely CREATIVE ???????? PLEASE let me know. Sincerely, Betty Bensch???????
Wetmore and 35th, says the article from the Herald!?
Wetmore and 35th, according to the Herald article! ?
And the KOMO article – which is up, btw – lists the artist as Larry Carver and says he teaches woodcarving at two area senior centers, if that will help you locate him! Great post and great idea!
Darlene Beck Jacobson
Whimsical and wonderful…every neighborhood should have one.
Cathy Lynn Bryant
I love it! It’s truly unique. :)